The Honourable Mayor,
Councillor Z.F Khuzwayo-Dlamini
A summary of the duties of the Mayor assigned in terms of Section 56 of the Municipal Systems Act, are as follows:
- Identify the needs of the municipality and recommend to Council strategies, programmes and services to address such needs;
- Identify and develop criteria for the evaluation of strategies, programmes and services implemented to address needs of the municipality;
- Evaluate progress against key performance indicators;
- Review the performance of the municipality in terms of its: Economy, efficiency and effectiveness; Credit control and debt collection efficiency;
- Monitor the management of Administration;
- Oversee the sustainable provision of services to communities;
- Reports annually on the involvement of communities and community organisations in the affairs of the municipality;
- Perform duties and exercises powers as delegated by Council;
- Such reports must be presented at institutional political forum to ensure ownership of the reports by the Executive;
- Gives attention to the public views and report on the effect of consultation on the decisions of council.

Councillor Z.F. Khuzwayo-Dlamini, Honourable Mayor: Maphumulo Local Municipality
In addition to the above, the Mayor is assigned financial responsibilities as prescribed under Chapter 7 of the MFMA, which can be summarised as follows:
- Providing general political guidance of the fiscal and financial affairs of the municipality;
- Monitoring and overseeing the exercise of financial responsibilities assigned to the Accounting Officer and Chief Financial Officer in terms of the MFMA;
- Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the municipality performs its Constitutional and statutory functions within the limits to the municipality’s approved budget;
- Submitting a report to Council, within 30 days of the end of each quarter, on the implementation of the budget and the financial state of affairs of the municipality;
- Performing any other powers and duties that me be delegated by Council;
Contact Details
+27 32 481 4500
MR 711 LOT NO. 152
Maphumulo 4470
Maphumulo 4470