Mr T. Khuluse | Director: Corporate Services
The Corporate Services directorate primarily champions the Municipal Transformation and Institutional Development through structured initiatives and avenues.The Department remains a strategic support directorate that renders the transversal services to the entire organisation. These include; human resource, administration, inter governmental relations/communications & public participation, committee secretariat, information technology, health and safety, individual performance management and registry.
The Corporate Services Department is responsible for providing effective and efficient high standard administration and support. This is achieved by maintaining good corporate image of the institution and create fertile ground for the municipality to be able to deliver in its administrative duties.
Registry is the central office that manages all the records of the Municipality
SecretariatProvide secretarial support to Council and its Committees, thereby implementing its activities in line with its roster of meetings, thereby adhering to the policies that regulate such activities.
Auxiliary Servicesto provide municipality with Facility management, cleaning services and Security services.
Role of Legal Services:
- Directing, monitoring and assessing total compliance to legislation of the Municipality; and managing the implementation of the Municipal Compliance checklist
- Ensuring that all policies developed by the Municipality are legally compliant and enforceable
- Provision of sound legal advice to the Municipal Manager, Management and Council
- Communication with internal and external stakeholders regarding legal matters affecting the Municipality
- Management and co-ordination of all litigation matters that the Municipality is involved in.
- Negotiating, drafting and vetting of contractual arrangements for the Municipality
- Ensuring that municipal officials are aware of and implement legislative reforms and current developments within the legal environment which have impact upon the Municipality
- Serves as the appeal authority for Appeals and/or Objections against SCM Processes of the Municipality
Human Resources Management
The Human Resources Management Services rendered by the Municipality aims to achieve the following:
- Attend to the human resources requirements of the various municipal departments
- Establish and maintain a working environment that encourages personal growth, development, enrichment and job satisfaction.
- Ensure that human resources policies and procedures are administered in such a way as to protect the interests of both the Municipality and its employees
To accomplish this purpose, professional support services are rendered in respect of the following functional areas:
- Recruitment and selection
- Induction of newly appointed staff
- Personnel administration – administration of staff benefits and maintaining employee records
- Maintaining and monitoring Conditions of Service in terms of the applicable legislation, Bargaining Council agreements and Council policies
- Placement at the behest of the institution
- Staff movement
- General administration
- To ensure that effective and efficient services are rendered by the Municipality
- To ensure that citizens are satisfied with the quality of services delivered by the Local Municipality
- To ensure that residents are aware of the activities of the municipality
- To ensure that residents are aware of the policies, services and activities of the municipality
- To ensure that the municipality’s staff is diverse, representative and skilled.
- To Implement workplace skills plan within allocated budget
- To provide purposeful systematic and continuous labor relations and effective capacity building to the staff
- To Provide secretariat to the council
- Implementing Records Management Practices
- To ensure that the municipality will use information and communication technology effectively to assist in decision making, in working efficiently, and in delivering services more effectively to clients
- Ensuring proper up keep of council records
- To ensure that personnel receive specialised training