It is situated on the R74 Road from KwaDukuza to Kranskop, bordered by Ndwedwe on the south; linked through the P711. The primary administrative Centre of the Municipality is the town of Maphumulo, which is located approximately 38km north-west of KwaDukuza Municipality.
Maphumulo Municipality has the population of 89 969 people who are accommodated by 20 524 households. 51% of the population is the working population aged between 15 – 65 years and 39% is the children population aged 0 – 14 years old. Maphumulo is characterized by its predominantly rural character with agriculture as the main economic actitivity to such an extent that 50% (10,048) of the houseolds are involved in agricultural activities. Most of the land is associated with Ingonyama Trust followed by private ownership and a very small percentage is directly under the control of the municipality;
It is characterized with numerous opportunities for tourism which include many natural assets such as the main rivers; UThukela which meanders along KwaShushu, UMvoti River and the Die Kop Mountain.Other prospects the municipality is branded with includes the cultural resources namely; the nine Iron Age sites, historical sites of Cetshwayo’s grave and a world battle site of the Bambatha Rebellion where Zwide of the Ndwedwe clan was defeated by Shaka and itshe lika Ntunjambili.

Locality Map
Maphumulo Local Municipality commits to the following in achieving its vision and strategic objectives:
- To create a better life for all through delivering inclusive and affordable services for residents;
- To create an enabling environment for economic growth and development; and
- To create and maintain an effectively governed administration that is committed to financial sustainability.
The long-term development vision for Maphumulo Local Municipality remains as follows:
Maphumulo Municipality intends to improve the quality of life for its citizens while at the sametime growing its economy and run a financially sustainable government. The long-term vision identified a set of strategic objectives as well as service delivery targets. These objectives represent the municipality’s intention to address the factors that influence and lead to the identified priorities. The municipal vision and mission statement remained unchanged, however eight (8) Strategic Goals have been identified to enhance the Municipality’s vision and developmental mandate.